Let’s protect the health of newborns

A drug-related error occurs in one out of six manual prescriptions in neonatology.
Source : Horri J et al. Frequency of dosage prescribing medication errors associated with manual prescriptions for very preterm infants. J Clin Pharm Ther 2014;39:637
Campino al. Medication prescription and transcription errors in a neonatal unit. An Pediatr (Barc) 2006;64:330-5

Logipren: integral protection for newborn prescriptions and care in hospital
Drug-related errors, extremely common in neonatology due to the use of off-label medications, are regularly the cause of serious accidents and constitute a major challenge for healthcare institutionsréf Nguyen, Ther Adv Drug Saf 2018, Vol. 9(2) 123–155)..
Based on a proprietary database (approved protocols and reference thesaurus), Logipren is software to assist with drug prescription, designed by neonatologists specifically for neonatology and paediatric intensive care units, to meet the specific prescription needs within these particular patient groups.
Logipren provides a way to fully safeguard the entire process associated with the patient’s care: from prescription to administration, including medicine preparation, diet and parenteral nutrition. Medicine administration volumes are minimised at all times to preserve the maximum remaining volume possible for nutrition.
Logipren also provides access to a scientific community, an open forum for discussion, a platform for dialogue and for sharing and medical research between healthcare professionals.

Logipren: a community-based medical platform
Reliable, simple and effective prescription

Equipped healthcare institutions
Our team

SAS LogipremF Paris Branch
104 boulevard Auguste Blanqui
75013 Paris
SAS LogipremF Headquarters
27, Avenue du Dr Jean Marie Dambreville, Terre Sainte
97410 Saint-Pierre - La Réunion